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Home > Courses > Continuing Education in Spirituality of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

Spirituality of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians

PresentationBack to top

This Course provides an in depth study of the charisma of the Institute of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians (FMA), using an interdisciplinary approach to assimilate the Congregation’s spiritual heritage.

Learning outcomesBack to top

At the end of the Course of study, students must demonstrate theoretical and practical knowledge, as well as skills and abilities, that allow them to:

  • understand the Institute’s background, in terms of the history, spirituality and educational mission of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians in various social and cultural contexts;
  • reflect on their own experience as Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, comparing their experience with the spiritual heritage of the Institute and real needs, and thus enhancing it;
  • implement with increased awareness the individual educational aims of the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians, and be able to collaborate in the animation of the community of educators, with particular focus on their vocational dimension and the Salesian formation of educators;
  • contribute to the knowledge and assimilation of Salesian spirituality in the context of initial and ongoing formation and the Salesian Family.

Career opportunitiesBack to top

At the end of the course, the Daughters of Mary Help of Christians will be able to work in the field of Salesian formation, involving pastoral and vocational animation, coordination and teaching.

Diploma and training creditsBack to top

A diploma will be issued at the end of the Course.

Structure and organisationBack to top

The Course lasts two years, and involves lectures, seminars, guided tours, work experience and a final project.

Other activities

Work experience in places dedicated to St John Bosco and St Mary Domenica Mazzarello.

  • Learning outcome:
    To deepen the students’ knowledge of the founders, St John Bosco and St Mary Domenica Mazzarello, and to integrate their historical, geographical, spiritual and educational dimensions into their human and spiritual pathway.
  • Duration
    The course takes place during the summer: from 6-26 August (6-16 August in Mornese (AL), 17-19 August in Colle Don Bosco (AT); and 20-26 August in Turin).
Other activities include guided tours of places of significance to Christian spirituality and significant experience of vocational animation and youth ministry.

Teaching and learningBack to top

RegistrationBack to top

To get the registration, the following documents must be presented:

  • a photocopy of the student's passport or another document that gives their real first name and surname;
  • original high school diploma along with a declaration stating that the diploma is valid for university admission in the country where the high school is located. This declaration, in Italian, must be given by the diplomatic authority or the Italian consulate from the country in which the diploma was awarded;
  • a residency permit in Italy for students;
  • a written declaration from the Superior authorising the registration of a religious student;
  • a passport-size photograph;
  • a completed application form, provided by the registrar's office;
  • a receipt proving the first tuition payment was made;
  • authorisation from the Dean.

AttendanceBack to top

Lectures take place from Monday to Friday, beginning at 8:30 am.
Attending lessons is compulsory.

CoordinationBack to top


Further informationBack to top

A working knowledge of Italian is required, which will be assessed in two exams.
The entrance exam required for registration is taken during the first week of October, whilst the first level exam is to be taken at the end of the first academic year.
The Auxilium Faculty runs an intensive Italian course during July, August, and September.

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